Recommendations (Prof. KP)

 Recommended Books

  • Maha Dutta Poudel, IOE [Solution books] [Set Collection]
  • Physics - Halliday & Resnick [Latest version with Solutions]
  • Modern Engineering Physics [A.S Bashudeva]
  • A Textbook of Optics, Wave and Oscillations [Subhramanyam & Brizlal]
  • Engineering Physics [By Prof. Balkrishna Sapkota, Prof. Bhadra Pokharel, Prof. Binod Bhattarai]
  • A Textbook of Engineering Physics [By Dr. Tika Ram Lamichhane]
  • Engineering Numerical Physics [ K.P, Dr. Tika Ram Lamichhane, Hom Baniya]

Extra quotes by KP Sir

"There is no substitute of hardwork

There is no shortcut to success."

-Thomas Alva Edison (1093 Patents)

4D's for Engineering

  • Engineering Discipline
  • Drawing
  • Design
  • Display

Recommended things to do within 4 years


SCI Journals


Recommended patents to check out

Khem Poudel

Prof. Dr. Hem Raj Pant

Recommended Site to Check out

NEPJOL: Click here to redirect [Find research Journals of IOE Teacher]

Things to Learn that ARE NOT in Syllabus

Word, Excel, GIS, Matlab, C, C++, Python, ANN, ML, DL, AI, Quantum Computing

His contacts, 9841465598)



meow meow on a break 😼