BEI 2080/2023

Bachelor's Degree in Electronics, Communication, and Information Engineering Course Collection

First Semester (NEW) 

SH401Engineering Mathematics IT2080100
CT401Computer Programming (Notes I, Notes II)B208050150
ME401Engineering Drawing I (BookExtra)P6040100
SH402Engineering PhysicsB20802030150
EX 401Digital LogicT20802030150
EE401Basic Electrical EngineeringB208025125
Total Marks775

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Second Semester (NEW)

SH451Engineering Mathematics IIT2080100
EX 452MicroprocessorB208050150
CT 451Object Oriented ProgrammingB208050150
SH453Engineering ChemistryB20802030150
EE 460Electric Circuits and MachinesB208050150
ME453Workshop TechnologyB104050
Total Marks750
Third Semester (NEW)

Teaching  ScheduleExamination SchemeTotal
SNCourse CodeCourse TitleTheoryPractical
Assessment     MarksFinalAssessment     MarksFinal
Duration    HrsMarksDuration    HrsMarks
1SH 501Engineering Mathematics III
Book // Solution
2EX 501Electronics Devices and Circuits2038025125
3EX 509 (EE 602)Control Systems2038025125
4SH 510 (SH 602)Probability and Statistics20380100
5EX 503Electromagnetics2038025125
6EX 510Instrumentation2038025125

Fourth Semester (NEW)

Teaching  ScheduleExamination SchemeTotal
SNCourse CodeCourse TitleTheoryPractical
Assessment     MarksFinalAssessment     MarksFinal
Duration    HrsMarksDuration    HrsMarks
1SH 551Applied Mathematics20380100
2CT 551Discrete Structure20380100
3CT 552Data structure and Algorithms2038050150
4EX 553 (EX 601)Advanced Electronics2038025125
5EX 554 (EX 603)Computer Graphics2038050150
6SH 553Numerical Methods2038050150
Fifth semester (NEW)

Teaching  ScheduleExamination SchemeTotal
SNCourse CodeCourse TitleTheoryPractical
Assessment     MarksFinalAssessment     MarksFinal
Duration    HrsMarksDuration    HrsMarks
1CE 615
(CE 655)
Engineering Economics20380100
2CT 610
(CT 652)
Database Management Systems2038050150
3CT 613
(CT 657)
Computer Networks2038050150
4CT 603Computer Organization and Architecture2038025125
5CT 612
(CT 656)
Operating Systems2038025125
6EX 605
(EX 704)
Filter Design2038025125
Sixth semester (NEW)

Teaching  ScheduleExamination SchemeTotal
SNCourse CodeCourse TitleTheoryPractical
Assessment     MarksFinalAssessment     MarksFinal
Duration    HrsMarksDuration    HrsMarks
1SH 655
(SH 601)
Communication English2038025125
2CT 658
(CT 701)
Project Management20380100
3EX 653Propagation and Antenna2038025125
4EX 656Communication Systems2038050150
5CT 657Object Oriented Software Engineering2038025125
6CT 655Embedded Systems2038025125
7EX 654Minor Project502575
Seventh Semester (NEW)

Teaching  ScheduleExamination SchemeTotal
SNCourse CodeCourse TitleTheoryPractical
Assessment     MarksFinalAssessment     MarksFinal
Duration    HrsMarksDuration    HrsMarks
1EX 716
(EX 752)
RF and Microwave Engineering2038025125
2CT 710
(CT 653)
Artificial Intelligence2038025125
3ME 708Organization and Management20380100
4EX 710
(CT 704)
Digital Signal Analysis and Processing2038050150
5EX 715
(EX 751)
Wireless Communication20380100
6EX 725Elective I2038025125
7EX 707Project Part A5050
Eight Semester (NEW)

Teaching  ScheduleExamination SchemeTotal
SNCourse CodeCourse TitleTheoryPractical
Assessment     MarksFinalAssessment     MarksFinal
Duration    HrsMarksDuration    HrsMarks
1EX 756
(EX 703)
2CE 752Engineering Professional Practice101.54050
3EX 757
(EX 701)
Energy, Environment and Society101.54050
4CT 751Information Systems20380100
5EX 765Elective II2038025125
6EX 785Elective III2038025125
7EX 755Project Part B5050100
TU's BEX program, or Electronics Communication and Information Engineering (ECIE) program, is a four-year undergraduate course that provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of electronics, communication and information engineering. The program covers a wide range of topics including circuit theory, digital electronics, microprocessors, and telecommunications, as well as computer systems and networks, control systems, and information theory. The program is designed to prepare students for careers in the rapidly growing field of electronics, communication and information engineering, which is the backbone of many industries such as telecommunication, computer, electronics, and information technology.

The need for Ergbus, as an educational site, is particularly high for students studying engineering at Tribhuwan University in Nepal, especially when it comes to preparing for the IOE (Institute of Engineering) exams. Ergbus provides students with a wealth of resources such as syllabus and notes that are tailored to the specific needs of engineering students preparing for the IOE exams. These resources can help students to stay on top of their coursework and ensure that they have a thorough understanding of the material covered in class. Additionally, Ergbus can also provide students with past papers, solved problems, and exam strategies, which can be incredibly helpful for preparing for the IOE exams. Overall, Ergbus can play a vital role in helping engineering students at Tribhuwan University to achieve academic success by providing them with the necessary resources and materials to excel in the IOE exams.

Note: Ergbus isn't completely built yet!.


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meow meow on a break 😼