
Subject: Engineering Physics

  • Theory: 4 Year: I
  • Tutorial: 1 Part: I/II
  • Practical: 2

Fundamentals of Engineering Physics

Physics by Halliday And Resnick Krane Vol 2 Fifth Edition

Maha Datta Poudel First Year Solutions

A Textbook (Solutions) for Physics first year students

Course objectives:

To provide the concept and knowledge of physics with an emphasis of present-day application. A background of physics corresponding to a Proficiency Certificate

  1. Oscillation: (7 hours)
    1. Mechanical Oscillation: Introduction
    2. Free oscillation
    3. Damped oscillation
    4. Forced mechanical oscillation
    5. EM Oscillation: Free, damped, and Forced electromagnetic oscillation
  2. Wave motion (2 hours)
    1. Waves and particles,
    2. Progressive wave,
    3. Energy, power, and intensity of the progressive wave
  3. Acoustics (3 hours)
    1. Reverberation,
    2. Sabine’ Law
    3. Ultrasound and its applications
  4. Physical Optics (12 hours)
    1. Interference,
      1. The intensity in double-slit interference,
      2. Interference in thin films,
      3. Newton’s rings,
      4. Hadinger fringes
    2. Diffraction,
      1. Fresnel and Fraunhoffer’s diffraction,
      2. Intensity due to a single slit,
      3. Diffraction grating,
      4. x-ray diffraction, x-ray for material test
    3. Polarization,
      1. Double refraction,
      2. Nichol prism, wave plates,
      3. Optical activity, specific rotation
  5. Geometrical Optics (3 hours)
    1. Lenses, the combination of lenses,
    2. Cardinal points,
    3. Chromatic aberration
  6. Laser and Fiber Optics (4 hours)
    1. Laser production,
      1. He-Ne laser,
      2. Uses of laser
    2. Fiber Optics,
      1. Self-focusing,
      2. Applications of optical fiber
  7. Electrostatics (8 hours)
    1. Electric charge and force,
    2. Electric field and potential,
    3. Electrostatic potential energy,
    4. Capacitors, capacitors with dielectric,
    5. Charging and discharging of a capacitor
  8. Electromagnetism (11 hours)
    1. Direct current: Electric current,
      1. Ohm’s law, resistance, and resistivity,
      2. Semiconductor and superconductor
    2. Magnetic fields:
      1. Magnetic force and Torque,
      2. Hall effect,
      3. Cyclotron, synchrotron,
      4. Biot-savart law,
      5. Ampere’s circuit law; magnetic fields straight conductors,
      6. Faraday’s laws, Induction, and energy transformation, induced field,
      7. LR circuit, induced magnetic field,
      8. Displacement current
  9.  Electromagnetic waves (5 hours)
    1. Maxwell’s equations,
    2. Wave equations, speed,
    3. E and B fields,
    4. Continuity equation,
    5. Energy transfer
  10. Photon and matter waves (5 hours)
    1. Quantization of energy
    2. Electrons and matter waves
    3. Schrodinger wave equation
    4. Probability distribution
    5. One-dimensional potential well
    6. Uncertainty principle
    7. Barrier tunneling


  1. To determine the acceleration due to gravity and radius of gyration of the bar about an axis passing through its center of gravity.
  2. To determine the value of the modulus of elasticity of the materials given and the moment of inertia of a circular disc using a torsion pendulum.
  3. To determine the angle of the prism and dispersive power of materials of the prism using the spectrometer.
  4. To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton’s rings.
  5. To determine the wavelength of HeNe laser light and use it to measure the thickness of a thin wire by diffraction of light.
  6. To study the variation of the angle of rotation of the plane of polarization using the concentration of the cane sugar solution
  7. To determine the specific rotation of the cane sugar solution using a polarimeter.
  8. To determine the low resistance of a given wire by Carey Foster bridge and to determine the resistance per unit length of the wire of the bridge.
  9. To determine the capacitance of a given capacitor by charging and discharging through the resistor.
  10. To plot a graph between current and frequency in an LRC series circuit and find the resonant frequency and quality factor.
  11. To determine the dielectric constant of a given substance and study its variation with frequency by resonance method.
  12. To determine the susceptibility of a solution of given materials by the Quinkes method.
  13. To study electric field mapping.


  1. Halliday, Resnick, Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics’, John Wiley & Sons. inc.
  2. Sapkota, Pokharel, Bhaftarai, “Fundamentals of Engineering Physics”, Benchmark Publication.
  3. Brij Lal and Subrahmanyam, ‘A textbook of Optics”, S. Chand Publisher.
  4. A. S. Basudeva, ‘Modern Engineering Physics”, S. Chand Publisher.
  5. R. K. Caur and S. L. Gupta, “Engineering Physics’, Dhanpat Publisher.
  6. Brij Lal and Subrahmanyam, ‘Waves and Oscillation”, S. Chand publisher.
  7. IOE Notes

Evaluation Scheme:

ChapterHoursMark Distribution
Mechanical and electromagnetic oscillation710
Wave motion and Acoustics55
Physical Optics1215
Geometrical Optics35
Laser and Fiber Optics45
Electrostatics and Electromagnetism1930
Electromagnetic Waves55
Photon and Matter Waves55

* There may be a minor deviation in mark distribution.



meow meow on a break 😼